Marion Business Association

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Marion Business Association

Marion Facade Grant Program

Marion Facade Grant Program

Marion Facade Grant Program

2025 Facade Grant Opportunities

Funded by City of Marion, Marion Business Association &
McDowell Economic Development Association
Supported by City of Marion and McDowell County Commissioners

Get Ready - Next Grant Cycle commences January 15th!

Historic Marion Grant Information

The City of Marion has generously budgeted $20,000.00 for up to 100% cost of paint and window materials for façade renovations for qualifying buildings in the Historic Downtown District for 2025. 

Grant awards will be determined by the number of grants submitted and the amount requested until all funds are dedicated.   Grant cycles are open January, February and March annually.

Grant proposals are due 4:00 pm, Monday, March 31, 2025 and renovations are to be completed by December 31, 2025.

  • Grant Amounts – Up to $5,000.00 with 50/50 match for labor. (Up to $2,500.00 reimbursed)  Paint and windows (materials only) are funded 100% up to $5,000.00.  Grant does NOT pay to paint unpainted brick.  

  • Signage is allowed if included with complete façade restoration.  Signs alone require a separate grant application.  

  • Must be current member of Marion Business Association and MEDA or be willing to join upon grant award.

  • Who is eligible? – Any commercial property located within the Downtown Central Business District.

  • Two bids with color selections are required for each/both labor and materials.

  • Grant submission deadline - 4:00 pm Monday, March 31, 2025

  • Grant awards announcements - April 29, 2025

  • Grant completion timeline – December 31, 2025

  • Historic buildings required to follow Secretary of Interiors Guidelines for Historic Buildings.

  • City issued building permits are required for projects.

  • Applications will be reviewed by an independent committee for funding recommendations.

  • Grants will be paid directly to the grant recipient and the grant recipient is responsible to pay vendors/contractors.

  • Grant recipients will receive IRS tax form 1099 for all grant dollars they receive in 2024.  IRS Form W-9 is required for reimbursement.  

  • For historic restoration information please refer to:

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58 Depot St, Marion, NC 28752 | 828-652-2215

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